Saturday, February 21, 2015

Classes - Spring 2015

 This is our Spring line up.  I am teaching these classes at the Excelsior Springs Adult Education Center during the month of March.     See info at bottom of page.      


 Medicine Cabinet Makeover      (kitchen)  Tues  March 3  6:30-8:30 pm
We will not only be learning about the Traditional Herbal remedies-including essential oils- that can replace many OTC items in your medicine cabinet and first aid kit, we will be making some of them!    Healing herbal salves,  therapeutic herbal extracts and tinctures, liniments and vinegars.  $10 class material fee if you want to take any home.

The Holistic Life of Cats and Dogs              (kitchen)  Tues March 10 6:30-8:30 pm
I developed a system of natural care for my animals here at the farm that keeps them happy, healthy  and  free from parasites.      We will be making dog food and some supplements -- $10 class material fee if you want to take any home.

Herbal TLC                           (kitchen)              Tues March 17 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Herbal remedies have been tried and tested by generations of our families.  We will focus on the antibiotic and anti-viral properties of herbs, how to make them, how to take them.  We will be making a few herbal remedies in class--$10 class material fee if you want to take any home.

Backyard or Barnyard Chickens                  Tues March 24 6:30 – 8:30 pm
How to keep your chickens happy, healthy and producing—naturally.  The class will cover how to control/prevent parasites, make balanced food ratios and some surprising supplements, free-range or fenced, natural first-aid,  coops,   eggs, chicken breeds and an astonishing chicken ancestor.

 All of these classes are being taught at:
Excelsior Springs Adult Education Center  
614 Tiger Drive Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
816-630-9240      To register on line go HERE.      Look in the catalog under Natural Remedies pg 5

Friday, February 20, 2015

French Fries

It's hard to describe my emotions as I type this entry.  For me it's all about honesty, transparency and morality to say nothing of life and death.  How do french fries play into this?     In today's culture...a lot.  And, what does the french fry have to do with writing about the farm?  Think WHOLE FOOD connection.

It begins with the humble potato.  I love potatoes.  And, I love french fries.  This potato story links back to two years ago when I went into anaphalactic shock and took a trip to the ER with a subsequent 3 day stay in the hospital.

 (Read the full Alpha gal allergy story here)

I had contracted Alpha-gal from a tick bite-- an allergy to MEAT.  Although that diagnoses  happened MONTHS later--no thanks to my doctor.    That began my downward spiral into the dark world of lethal allergies. 

Besides MAMMAL MEAT the alpha-gal triggered allergies/sensitivities to many other foods such as DAIRY and GLUTEN.  Keep these three food groups in mind...

Several months after my trip to the ER two years ago I was spending the day running errands in the city and as usual, RUNNING is a key word here.  Too many things to do; too little time.  What do we as Americans do in that situation--pull into fast food drive thru.  I'll admit it.  I've always loved Micky's Dees french fries.  It's potato and cooking oil.  Right? 

Having recently been deprived of hamburger, steak, roast, sausage...well, you get the idea...and being a WHOLE FOODY from the farm, my diet consisted mostly of fresh farm vegetables, eggs and chicken.  I hadn't had fast food fries in a LONG time and those french fries smelled like heaven. I was actually salivating.

Shortly after ingestion, I began to recognize my food allergy symptoms: red, itchy swollen feet--my precursor to full blown anaphalactic shock.    Since the ONLY thing I had eaten was the french fries....well, it didn't take a Big Bang couch potato (pun intended)  to reach a conclusion.  But, potatoes?   Cooking oil?

My husband is my Galahad.  He began researching alpha-gal soon after my diagnosis just so we could see what I could actually eat.  His findings WERE UNBELIEVABLE.  But, french fries were not on his hit list.  Who would have thought they needed to be.  After my French Fry Episode my husband dutifully read everything available about Mickey Dees fries and discovered they had BEEF on them.  Well, no wonder they make me salivate.  No wonder they taste so good.

But, BEEF?  So, that's what caused my allergic reaction.  McD's fries went on my NO NO list.

Today I ran across this article about all the OTHER  ingredients in McD's fries.  WOW and double WOW.  Not only is there BEEF, there is DAIRY, there is GLUTEN.   Three of my serious allergens.

This is just wrong.  It is morally wrong to not disclose A FULL ingredient list at the point-of-sale.  Not only is it unethical not to tell us the complete ingredient list it is downright criminal when you take into consideration that these foods can kill some of us.       So, McDonald's......  BOO ON YOU!! 


And, if you are interested   You can read my full alpha gal story here.

Learning curve: Mythbusters host Grant Imahara traveled to the fast food chain's potato processing plant in Idaho to see the production process from start to finish

PS  And, of course, most peeps are not allergic to beef, milk & wheat, but notice all the other CHEMICALS!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How-To-Tuesday - Dry Canning

 How To yellow

I learned many, many years ago that you cannot leave beans or rice in their original bags.  Little critters will hatch and make a meal out of your meal.  Now, being a self-professed Prepper and interested in long term storage --I dry can.  A term I'm quite sure my mother and grandmother would lift an eyebrow at.

It's QUITE EASY.  There are two ways to do it.

A vacuum sealer.  Or, an oxygen absorber.  Both methods take the oxygen out of the jar/bag so a NOTHING lives in there.  Whala...long term storage.

Vacuum sealers are available in all price ranges and easily found on line.  Place the flat lid on the jar, attach the vacuum apparatus, push the button. Done.

Oxygen absorbers are little square packets that you toss into the food, put on the flat lid, screw on the ring, wait for that sealing "pop", unscrew the ring.  Done.

I used both methods this last week; both worked very well, but I gotta tell ya, I'm in love with the vacuum sealer.
The vacuum sealer attached to jar.

Beans, beans, beans.

Granddaughter Elli helping out.
All done in no time at all.  Shelf life: 25 yrs.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Winter In The Valley

Buffy Penny is pretty new to the farm.
Farm life slows down a bit during cold months.  Bed time is earlier--5 pm.  Not for me, but the chickens and rabbits call it a day at dusk.  Well, truth be known I think the rabbits have gab sessions in the wee hours, but haven't caught them at it...yet.
Millie trying to decide if she wants to go out in the snow.
Tilly likes catching a she has a better vantage point to see in the feed bucket. 

Pepper snuggled in her apartment.  Let the wind howl, she's warm in her Angora coat!
Cherry Blossom, Nutmeg and Thumbelina chowing on the seasons last comfrey.
My beautiful Button and Daisy.  They've been gone almost a month and I still miss them.

I don't let them out on really cold days but when the sun is out and the temp is up they really don't mind the snow.  Yes, they still lay eggs in the winter!

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