Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Really, it'sTuesday already? The farm gobbles up my week!
Today I'm sharing something from my husband. I like cooking; he LOVES cooking. And, as some of you know, he's excellent at it. One of the great mysteries of the kitchen is PIE CRUST. I've seen Chef Gary make this countless times; it NEVER fails. NEVER. And, it's so easy, honest.

Into the ol' food processor put:
1 1/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt (sea, of course) a little less for a sweet pie (dessert); a little more for a savory pie (quiche, pot)
5 Tablespoons butter
5 Tablespoons cold water

Pulse it until a dough ball forms and waalaa: piecrust. Roll it out on a lightly floured surface and you are on your way to the perfect pie.
Use the extra dough to make slices of "crust" sprinkled with cinnamon and honey/sugar and bake 10-12 minutes..the kids love this part. It's a litte extra treat for helping you in the kitchen!


  1. Very nice! I'll have to try that. Thanks!

  2. Now I know where that saying came from, "Easy as pie!" I've tried it before and given up totally. That is, until now! Thanks so much, Lizzy! I'll be giving this one a try for sure!

  3. Wonder how it would work with Gluten Free flour... I'll have to try it. :)

  4. Hey ladies, be sure to post pics of your pies!


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