Sunday, March 20, 2011

35 Days and Counting...

Our last frost date--according to the powers that be--is May 1. That may or may not hold true but I have to start someplace! Although some things are going in the ground now like peas, onions some salad greens, most of the herbs and veggies won't go under 'till frost is over. In order to have a graphic representation on my not-so-patient waiting period I put this "counter" on the blogpage. I'm all giddy about's been a long cold winter.

1 comment:

  1. I've been looking at all my Dalhis bulbs, dying to put them in the ground. :)

    I was out side the other day and noticed all of my iris' starting to come up. I suspect if I actualy did some raking, I'd find the hosta and tulips as well.

    I am so excited for Spring... and for things to be green again. As for now... I'm off to remove the christmas decor from my window boxes... seems they've finaly unfrozen. ;)


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